Terres de Cuisine
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur regional catering company dedicated to preparing and delivering meals to school restaurants and in the early childhood, education, corporate and healthcare sectors.
Terres de Cuisine manages over 20,000 meals a day.
Customer expectations
- Outsourced washing of stainless steel containers used for meal distribution and preparation
- Regulatory issues in foodservice: AGEC and EGalim laws
- Meeting customer expectations
- Virtuous business model: waste reduction/management
- Prevent harmful particles from migrating into foodstuffs
Uzaje helps Terres de Cuisine achieve its objectives
- Adapted equipment & improved ergonomics of workstations
- Water management and detergents
- Circular and solidarity economy model
Uzaje's missions
- Adapted equipment & improved ergonomics of workstations
- Water management and detergents
- Circular and solidarity economy model
"When we started out, we used 100% stainless steel containers. Even though we have responded to customer demand and substituted stainless steel for plastic, Terres de cuisine has always proposed and defended stainless steel for 3 reasons: environmental, to reduce plastic waste, gustatory and sanitary, to avoid the migration of harmful particles into food."
Florence Bonamy
President of Terres de cuisine