Thanks to our investments in research and development, we have developed infrastructures and processes for cleaning reusable containers.
Our know-how extends to every stage of the loop, which is why we also advise and guide our customers in their plans to make reuse a reality within their organization. 

Our activities

Our activities


Our core business is industrial-scale cleaning of all types of containers for food use: lunch boxes, dishes, jars, GN containers, cutlery, bottles, crates, etc. in 3 materials: stainless steel, glass and plastic.

Every day, we strive to develop technology that enables our customers to meet their reuse needs.

Two technologies used :
  • Spray cleaning: dedicated to containers
  • Immersion cleaning: dedicated to neck bottles
UZAJE cleaning advantages :
  • Pooling of cleaning tools for players from several sectors of activity
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Food quality guarantee

Environmental consistency

Low water and energy consumption

Low water and energy consumption

Ecological laundry products

Ecological laundry products

Use of electric boiler

Use of electric boiler

Industrial tools

Innovation at the heart of our business

Uzaje's aim is to continually improve its reuse solutions, making them accessible to consumers and ensuring that its food industry customers benefit from a quality and hygiene-controlled process with a proven and measured environmental and economic impact.

+2M invested in R&D since 2019

Making re-use solutions accessible to consumers
  • Reflections on the design of reusable containers adapted to different uses: plastic, stainless steel, glass, formats...
  • Design of collection furniture
  • Modeling tools for traceability management
Improved cleaning process performance
  • Label scraping (the sector's main pitfall)
  • Work on automated picking & sorting on the cleaning line
  • cleaning line layout for process optimization
  • Search for clean logistics solutions
Ensuring a quality and hygiene-controlled process with a demonstrated & measured environmental and economic impact
  • Cleaning capacity for heavily soiled containers
  • Low water and electricity consumption, selection of low-impact detergents
  • Automated drying and quality control after cleaning (video, candling, etc.)
  • Impact studies

Uzaje's research and development has been supported by ADEME's PIA (Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir) as part of the i-Nov innovation competition, as well as by various stimulus packages in the Ile-de-France and PACA regions, and by calls for projects from CITEO.

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Hygiene & Quality

Without our hygiene and quality process, our cleaning service would not exist.
We guarantee optimal cleaning for use in the food industry.

Our activities


Introducing reuse to a food industry player is a major organizational transition, requiring personalized support for each stage of the reuse loop.

We can advise and support our customers at every stage of the reuse value chain: sourcing and development of containers, traceability and/or deposits, return furniture, logistics management for dirty collection/clean return, outsourced cleaning, change management, setting up experiments and then scaling up.

Our different themes of support

Container Sourcing & Development
Container sourcing

We have a wide network of suppliers of reusable plastic, glass and stainless steel packaging.

It's important to be able to respond to the specific needs and configurations of each player: commercial catering, school catering, corporate catering, food distribution.

Packaging development

When no container on the market meets our requirements, we support our customers in packaging development. For example, we developed the "cup reuse" in collaboration with designer Didier Cosson, for a reuse device in the bulk business.

Standardization support

The exchange of packaging between several players in the same sector is a prerequisite for successful reuse. We set up working groups with our customers in the agri-food industry, to help them work together towards the use of an identical container. We also play an active role in workshops with public authorities and CITEO for cleaning trials as part of the drive towards standardization.

Traceability, deconsignment and management of returnable containers

We have forged strong links with partners specializing in digital solutions and systems for managing container deposit/undeposit. We also offer solutions for tracking containers and managing packaging fleets.

Operational organization and logistics
Creation and installation of dedicated container return cabinets

We collaborate with manufacturers and designers to create furniture dedicated to the return of containers to the place of collection: restaurants, company canteens, with the aim of limiting handling and deposit management by customers.

Transport organization

We work with transport companies to optimize logistics flows by pooling routes between several players for the collection and delivery of clean/dirty containers.

Project management

Our customers benefit from tailor-made support in their transition to reusable containers, from the early stages of the project: business model studies, life-cycle analysis, packaging technical expertise, funding applications, right through to the testing and deployment of solutions.