Mar 30, 21
Objective: Support Saveurs & Vie's innovation and CSR policy, while meeting the expectations of the AGEC law for a transition to reuse by January 1, 2022.

"The AGEC law is a gas pedal of innovation to move towards the reuse of food containers and avoid so much waste for the community to manage. It's a major change that affects all our production lines and our customers. We're getting organized to get through all the stages and be ready by January 2022."
Paul TronchonPresident of Saveurs & Vie

Saveurs & Vie

Saveurs & Vie, a human services company, specializes in home meal delivery for the elderly and dependent. As part of its innovation policy, the company has undertaken work to transform its operations and replace most of its single-use containers with reusable ones.

Container route

From the second quarter of 2021, Saveurs & Vie will be conducting tests with Uzaje in several partner Centres Communaux d'Action Sociale (CCAS) in the Ile-de-France region to field-test the reuse of certain containers.

These changes are important both for customers (the new containers must be easy to open, among other things) and for the company's processes (management of logistics and stocks of dirty containers). Saveurs et Vie is mobilizing to meet the January 1, 2022 deadline and comply with the AGEC law.